Saturday, September 19, 2020

What happened?

There's a hole in the bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza ...

Then, fix it!

There's a hole in my boob. I don't know why. It's about as big as the o in boob. Not big but big enough to to introduce bacteria to the implant.

Hello, implant. Meet bacteria.

I can actually see the implant through this hole.

A tiny window into my soul??

I've had an open wound, now, for over a month. Antibiotic medication seems to be keeping any infection from becoming serious. The surrounding tissue looks fine, there's no fever, and no elevated white blood cell count. Can't we just put a bandage on it? 

The answer is, universally, no. If you search for "implant extrusion," you may see the words "rare" and "dangerous." (You may also see some disturbing images so do so at your own risk.) Yet, not one doctor of the five I've seen so far has bothered to offer one.

The chances of it healing, I've been told, is zero. For a variety of reasons, the chances that any patch would hold is nearly zero. I don't want to believe this and yet I have no reason to believe my doctors are not well trained. Even the inter webs agree with science! 

Still, I hope. Even as I plan to move forward with surgery. 

Correction, surgeries.

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